The first-of-its-kind summer camp called Apex Leadership Academy from July 11 - 22. This exciting summer camp experience is being offered by the Minority Health Coalition of Madison County, The Leadership Academy of Madison County, The Village - Anderson (formally Redefined Life, Inc.), and the Anderson Impact Center.
There are several activities at this year's summer camp, including Art (mural creation), Photography, Entrepreneurship - Shark Tank, Gardening, Performing Arts, Media Production, Robotics, Woodshop, Drone Technology, and Sports & Wellness. Each day will begin with breakfast and leadership development. During the morning hours, we will also work on the students' math and English skills. After a nutritious lunch, the students will move into different activity tracks where they will take part in hands-on activities.
Starting Monday, July 11th, the camp will begin at 8:30am and end at 3:00pm. We will also provide students with transportation to the program. Students will present what they have learned to you and the community on Thursday, July 21st. Our camp will conclude on Friday, July 22nd, with a FREE field trip to a location to be determined! This year, we're offering FREE registration. Those parents who are interested in having their child participate are asked to do two things.
Fill out the registration form by Jun 22, 2022. The link to register is Leadership Academy Registration.
Plan to attend our Parent Info Session on June 21th at 10am or 5pm at the Impact Center located at 630 Nichol Ave.
We are excited to offer this exciting opportunity to our community and we hope you can join us. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to Maureen Duncan, Program Director, at mduncan@mhcmcindiana.org or 765-400-4974.